Get some peace of mind that your dog isn't tearing up the carpets while you're at work. Saratoga Pet Resort is happy to watch your pets during the day. You can drop off your dog in the morning for pet daycare and come back at the end of the day to fetch them.
Sign up for pet daycare today in Saratoga Springs, NY.
Our doggy daycare services make your life a lot easier. We'll make sure your dog is safe, entertained and not wreaking havoc during the day. Do you have a rowdy dog with separation anxiety? We're the answer to your problems. As the most flexible doggy daycare in the area, we're great at adjusting to your schedule. You can drop off your dog and pick them up at any time during our business hours.
Reservations aren't required for our pet daycare. We charge $32.50 for a full day and $25.50 for a half-day (up to four hours). We have plenty of play equipment and turf for dogs to run around. We even have pools to splash in during the summer.
Running late? Can't pick up your dog before close? We understand and can feed and board your dog for $90, which includes daycare the following day.
Start bringing your pup to doggy daycare services in Saratoga Springs, NY right away.
If you wish to stop by to see our facility and meet my staff, please do so between Noon and 2 pm any Saturday. No need to call first.
How do you get started with our doggy daycare? Bring a copy of vaccination records with you, or email them to
If you are a new or existing customer and haven't yet established a login, do so by clicking the MAKE A RESERVATION button.